BluePlus - the sustainability label from STUDER

STUDER is a "Bluecompetence" Alliance Member, and as such a partner of an important sustainability initiative by the machine tool and machinery industry. The label is intended to promote the establishment of products, technologies and processes that conserve energy and resources. STUDER has taken the next step as well through its "BluePlus" label.  

The "BluePlus" label reflects the "4 BlueSteps":

1. BlueStep - Machine components

We always use the most technically up-to-date and energy-efficient components.

2. BlueStep - Standby Management

Our controlling equipment, which has been developed in cooperation with ETH Zurich / Inspire, acheives optimal standby management. It defines the switch-on / switch-off phases and the machines are only "on" when they are in use. 

3. BlueStep - StuderTechnology

STUDER's StuderTechnology software makes a significant contribution to improving energy efficiency. Grinding cycles alone can typically be reduced by 25-50%, which in turn cuts the energy expended per part.

4. BlueStep - EE4C (Energy evaluation for customer quotation)

EE4C is a system that enables the customer to understand the exact amount of energy involved in the production of his workpiece. This as a compaison of different machines with different technical equipment.

STUDER Environmental Group

"Quality is when we as a company also care for the environment."

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BluePlus Product Brochure
Measures to increase energy efficiency